Monday, June 8, 2020

PHoss: A Password Sniffer

"PHoss is a sniffer. A normal sniffer software is designed to find problems in data communication on the network. PHoss is designed to know some protocols which use (or may use) clear text passwords. Many protocols are designed to use secure authentication. For fallback they define a lowest level of authentication using clear text. Many companies use this lowest fallback definition as standard setting to make the product working in many environments." read more...


More info
  1. Pentest With Metasploit
  2. Pentesting Tools
  3. Hacking Lab
  4. Pentest Aws
  5. Hacker On Computer
  6. Pentest Companies
  7. Hacker Kevin Mitnick
  8. Pentest Dns Server
  9. What Hacking Is
  10. Hacker On Computer

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