Saturday, April 11, 2020

Cyborn, Screenplay, Preview And Interview

I will let the writer of Cyborn tell you about the screenplay. I can tell you is Cyborn was part of the 2019 Filmquest film festival (website) and chosen as one of the top 35.


Cyborn is a sci-fi comedy about a Cyborg private detective that becomes infected with a tech-virus. He has to solve all his cases to find the culprit and an antivirus before he shuts down permanently. I attached a movie style poster I produced to promote the project and a picture of myself.

Mark Renshaw wrote Cyborn. Here he shares his inspiration for the movie and why he became a filmmaker. There is also information about other things he likes to do and what he has coming up.

What was the inspiration for Cyborn?

Cyborn began as a three page script about an android's final 3 minutes of life as his battery runs out. It won the inaugural Inroads Screenwriting Fellowship in 2018 and was adapted into comic format by a website called Hyperepics. This inspired me to turn it into a feature screenplay. I decided to make the main character a noir detective cyborg private detective called Braxx Dryden and have him slowly shutting down throughout the film rather than over 3 minutes.

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

I'm adapting Cyborn into a novel and loving that experience. I also have two TV pilot screenplays which are doing well in competition, one is a sci-fi called The Nearscape and the other is a fantasy drama called The Broken Kingdom. I've produced a short proof of concept film to promote Nearscape. I'll be pitching all three projects far and wide, starting at the Nashville Film Festival after FilmQuest next month, as I'm also a finalist in their film festival.

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

Back in 1999 I was involved in making an amateur short film called I Am Peter Cushing (which is on YouTube and stars me in the lead role!) fell in love with writing and producing and even though I was developing my own career in software development, I've continued to write and produce short films as a hobby since. Now I feel I'm ready to go professional and expand into features and TV shows.

What would be your dream project?

I would LOVE to be the showrunner of Doctor Who and I've written my own Doctor Who screenplay which has won some competitions, including a table read over at the Wildsound festival in Toronto, Canada (also available on YouTube and my website!)

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

I love writing in all its forms. If I'm not working on a screen play I'm working on a short story, a comic or more recently my first novel.

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

V for Vendetta. It is simply perfection. The long segment where V imprisons Evey, I would die a happy man if I could write as brilliantly as that.

You can find out more about Mark Renshaw and his writing at his website (link).

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